Friday, July 27, 2007

Honeymoon in Hawaii, day four.

Today, we got back in the rythm of resort life. We haven't left the resort today yet, but that'll change in about an hour. All in all, we haven't spent much time on our feet today. Most of our cardio is sitting up to apply SPF or waiving down our coctail waitress. In all seriousness, I did swim from one end of the lagoon to the other. I think that was all of the energy I had from breakfast. I lost count of all of the 757's that past by headed for Honolulu International. Oddly enough, there were several fighter planes (jets) that seemed to fly right through that the commercial airliner flight path performing neat tricks.

So, and as I mentioned above, we are headed out shortly. We'll be going to the luau that we postponed from Tuesday, and while this will be our first for this trip, we visited Jermaine's Luau on a previous trip. Paradise Cove is the luau we're headed to this time, which is conveniently located about 5 minutes walking distance from the resort we're staying at.


We just returned from Paradise Cove. Very conveniently located if you're staying in Ko Olina. Just be aware of one thing, they don't accept the HTN (Hawaii Travel Network) vouchers, and what's upsetting is that HTN would leave you to believe they've taken care of your reservation.

Luau's are great big celebrations of food, namely the grandest being the roasted pig, dancing and other festivities. You can expect to get a preview of the earthen pit (called an imu) and usually the removal of the cooked Kalua pig at a Luau. The imu is an underground oven which contains banana tree stumps, burlap, and canvas for fuel and lava rocks which help retain the heat. The cooking process can take upwards of 12 hours, but results in very tender and tasty pork.

A few things to look forward to if you're considering this Luau, and not just the Mai Tai greeting. First, the activities that took place prior to the pig's unearthing were put together nicely. Timed perfect and for the most part everything was worth watching, to me, and captured most everyone elses attention also. There were about 500 people who attended tonights Luau.

If I had to pick my favorite 3 things, they would be the fire dancing, second the tree climber, and third would be a tie between the pig presentation and the show MC who really pulled the act together, IMO anyways. He was quick on his feet and funny, two qualities I can really appreciate in any performer.

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